O muse, grant me the requisite vision to faithfully impart the tale of this one sole diner, as he reads a book and commits his thoughts to paper! Guide my vision as I illuminate the fastidious Scrabble-players, so transfixed in their perplexity, at the adjacent table!
Noble waiter, whose perseverence in the face of fickle fate shall be sung for generations, let thy glass fall to the floor and shatter. Kind colleagues, so generous with assistance in this humble food-procurer's darkest hour, let the valleys ring with tales of your valor! O gentle patron, magnanimous in mien, of limitless sympathy for such victims of vicissitudes, let the cessation of the celebration of your unsoiled offering never come to pass!
Cruel time, whose passage drags us inexorably to death, let but two hours pass, so that we may witness our protagonist with his proud compatriots stand in stoic defiance of the elements. O divine inspiration, grant me the capacity to express the depths of their discourse and the heights of their lofty critiques of the great sculptured works which exist in such abundance in Seattle! O cyclist, thou brilliant urban mule of the asphalt, weave thy mysterious ways amidst the traffic.
Faithful shepherd of my thoughts, let no novelty escape my notice!